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Circle Tools

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Until they are needed, the sword, knife and wand should be wrapped
in an expensive silken cloth, of any color except black or brown.
Before they are used they should be purified and consecrated by
sprinkling them with water, Preferably holy water, and 'fumigating' them
- exposing them to perfumes. The sprinkling should be done with a bunch
of mint, marjory and rosemary tied with a thread, or alternatively with
a bunch of vervain, periwinkle, sage, mint, valerian, ash, basil and
rosemary. The perfume used is either ecclesiastical incense or is made
by burning aloes wood, mace, storax and benzoin. (Benzoin is a resin
which is one of the principal ingredients of both church incense and
Friar's Balsam.)

Blessed Be

Lady Pavane Maya

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